Submission Guidelines
- The authors, submitting their text, guarantee that they have written the original scientific work on their own, not previously published in other journals.
- It should comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education concerning the principle of ‘ghostwriting firewall’ (see: Authorship section) and ‘guest authorship’. The editors reserve the right to ask the author to make a statement on ‘ghostwriting firewall’.
- The editors reserve the right to ask the author for a statement of sources of funds of the text, contributions from scientific research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).
- The submission should comply to the editorial criteria and guidelines.
- The texts are submitted to two peer reviewers and only those which receive two positive reviews can be published. Decisions on publication are taken by the editorial board of the journal with the editor-in-chief.
- Texts should be sent in electronic media version by standard post (with printed copy) or by email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Corrections and additions should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed three per page; no underlining should be used. - The article should not exceed more than 60,000 characters (including spaces).
- We accept texts in Polish, English, French, and Russian.
- The first page layout of the article and the review article (i.e. a more extensive, polemical review) should be as follows: on the left at the top the author's name and exact address, below – the centred title. All these elements should be written in normal type, not capitalised.
- In a review, above the text, the following should be written in sequence: the first name (in the full form) and surname of the author of the reviewed work, its title and possibly a subtitle (according to the title page); if it is the review of a collective work, then the title should be followed by the name and surname of the editor(s), then – in the case of a multi-volume work – the number of volumes or parts (e.g. vols I–II) in roman numerals, next: the place and year of publication, the name of the publisher, and lastly the number of pages. The name and surname of the review’s author should be placed at the end of the text on the right (with the exact email address).
- Texts for the section ‘Scientific life’ include the title (centred); the author's signature as in the review.
- Posthumous memoirs: the name of the person to whom the text is dedicated as the title, below – it in parentheses – the exact dates of birth and death; the author’s signature as in the review.
- In printed texts, footnotes are placed at the end of the text, starting on a new page. Footnote numbers should be placed in the upper fraction, without parentheses or full stops, on a line with paragraph indentation. A note reference number should precede any punctuation, except the full stop ending an abbreviation.
- In the main texts we adopt generally accepted abbreviations (e.g. etc., i.a., MS, vol., no., etc.). The names of months are given in roman numerals when they occur together with the day and year (without separating dots), otherwise in their verbal form (16 V 1935; 16 May; in May 1935).
- In footnotes we use the abbreviations as described above, other abbreviations, accepted in historical specialist studies, are also acceptable, but with an explanation of the meaning on the first occurrence. Titles of journals and publishing series should be written in inverted commas; the title of a publication included in a collective work should be followed by ‘in:” (preceded by a comma, without square brackets). Volumes and yearbooks of periodicals and other publications are written in roman numerals; issues, numbers and parts – in arabic numerals.
- All texts sent to the editorial office that differ in their external form from the above rules will be returned to their authors for proper preparation.
- All submitted articles and review articles should be accompanied by a summary, not exceeding 3000 characters including spaces, and short abstract (up to 500 characters, including spaces), keywords (5–7 words or phrases, in Polish and English), a bibliography which includes all studies cited in footnotes, as well as a short note about the author of the text (up to 500 characters with spaces, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail address, scholarly interests) and a list of the most important literature used in the text at the end of the article.